

Posted on 8 September, 2022

We help our customers save money using a range of energy management services.

I thought I’d use this blog article to take the opportunity to show off the variety of services we offer at Tropical Energy Solutions.

We are an Energy Management company, not just a solar installer, and we have a range of services that can reduce your electricity costs.  Used together, in a planned and strategic way, the benefits are long lasting and consistent.

For example, we have just wrapped up a project where we analysed the cost of a local council’s electricity spend across 100 accounts for the last financial year and calculated what it will be for the next financial year (analysing 301 spreadsheets, hence the image I chose for this blog).  I can’t go into specifics, but the results showed that in percentage terms the cost increase varied greatly across all accounts depending on how the individual sites used electricity.  This confirms the need for analysing each site rather than using an average percentage figure.  We also broke the costs down into their individual tariff elements (consumption, demand, and daily service fees) to show where any future cost savings initiatives may have the greatest effect.

The results also show operational areas with higher cost increases than others that may be investigated further for cost saving initiatives.

While this job is ending, we are getting ready to deliver another exciting project across the region.  Working with Industry Training Hubs, an Australian Government initiative to improve employment opportunities for young people in regions with high youth unemployment, we are delivering training sessions in the Townsville, Burdekin, Hinchinbrook, and Charters Towers regions.  The training will introduce year 11 and 12 students currently studying Certificate II in Electro-Technology to energy efficiency and renewable energy, and the career opportunities they present.  As Australia makes the transition to renewables we will be needing as many skilled people as we can get.  Showcasing the opportunities to our young people now will help steer them towards our industry within our industry as their career begins.  This training builds on services we have delivered in the past, training government and private sector organisations in how they can improve energy efficiency in their work place.

And in a completely different project again, we are conducting a data logging exercise to investigate how we can assist a customer to reduce electricity consumption, demand, and their associated costs.  We had implemented a solution for them some time ago, but as the economy picked up post lockdown, they just got busier and busier.  This, of course, is great news, but it also saw electricity use and cost skyrocket.  Add the recent prices increases and their electricity bills are getting a bit out hand.  They have also recently installed a large compressor on site.  This will use quite a lot of power, but we have no way of accurately calculating what its effect will be.  So, we have installed a data logger to get a snapshot of what future electricity use will look like.  We will use this data to investigate which energy efficiency initiatives are most appropriate and will deliver the best cost savings opportunities.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, we are installing a couple of solar systems as well!

If you would like to learn more about how you can make significant cost reductions on your home or business electricity bills, contact us on Ph: 4772 7394, E-mail: or visit our office at 1 Carse St, Hyde Park.