Ergon Energy Isolated Communities “Power Savvy” Energy Audit
Ensuring electricity is used as efficiently as possible is an essential element of Ergon Energy’s broader strategy to reduce the cost and environmental impact of supplying electricity in Isolated Centres around Queensland. This project was an energy savings pilot program in several communities in remote areas of Far North Queensland. The project took a holistic, innovative and sustainable approach to energy use. The program focussed on three communities – Thursday Island, Horn Island and the Northern Peninsula Area (comprising the Bamaga, Injinoo, New Mapoon, Seisia and Umagico communities). The energy savings pilot program aimed to identify and test methods and approaches to reducing energy consumption across the three communities by 20% through a combination of behavioural and technology oriented energy saving measures. We conducted 58 energy audits in these communities in sites that include hotels, banks, retail outlets, schools, government offices, hospitals, industrial facilities and residential buildings.