
Daintree Rainforest Observatory

Off-Grid Renewable Energy Power System – James Cook University 

66kWp Solar Capacity – 460kWh Battery Bank

Tropical Energy Solutions designed, installed and maintains the Off-Grid power system at JCU’s Daintree Rainforest Observatory which includes 66kWp of PV solar modules and 460kWh of battery capacity. This is a truly unique site for more reasons than just the location, being deep in the Daintree Rainforest near Cape Tribulation FNQ. This site is comprised of 40 bed student and researcher accommodation, 2 laboratories, lecture theatre, office amenities, staff quarters, commercial kitchen and laundry facilities and not to mention a 50m research tower crane buried deep in the rainforest. All of this and much more runs off-grid using the system provided by Tropical Energy Solutions.

The remote location has presented many logistical challenges both during initial installation in 2014 and during the recent battery bank extension works in 2019. Being that Tropical Energy Solutions specialised in remote commercial off-grid solutions all challenges were overcome and the project delivered on time and on budget.